Friday, June 20, 2014

Hot trends in wedding photography

Profiting in any type of photography is tough and the wedding business is truly cut-throat. We put our heads together to come up with these top tips to help you do more than just stay floating as a wedding photographer.

Things have moved on since then, thanks to much more relaxed and candid approach favored by forward-thinking photographers and a growing desire for what is called ‘reportage’ wedding photography.

Freshminds Photography is a professional photography provider, perfect for your wedding, and any other occasions as well.

Wedding photographers need to stay ahead of the game, though, so here’s a quick reminder of some of the hot trends (current and future) that can give your wedding images the edge.

One of the trends in wedding photography is the “story telling”. Create a storyline, do the drama. It is one of the biggest trends in portrait photography at the moment. It’s about using themes and props to work up a sense of magic and mystery, and really emphasize being special of your wedding day.

Obviously all good wedding photography should tell the story of the event – from the bride’s preparation to smoochy dancing at the reception – but think about adding a sense of ‘fairy tale’ to how you work. So it’s about image making rather than just image taking.

Popular themes could include A Midsummer Night’s Dream, or classic fairy tales. However, your creativity is the limit in that case. That’s your wedding, anyway, so, you’re the boss!

1 comment:

  1. I have seen some unusual yet extra special wedding photo shoots and ceremonies of different personalities. There's no limit in organizing such events. It's all up to the creativity of the couple or their chosen organizer on how will they make these events extremely special and extraordinary.
